Living a Sustainable Summer

TBF community,

Summer is here, and warm weather means more outdoor activity. TBF wants to share easy sustainable living tips that are especially important in the summer. We challenge you to use at least one of these tips this summer!

Living a sustainable lifestyle can help preserve our Earth. TBF encourages you to learn more about sustainable living and why we must make a difference.

Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. – Aldo Leopold


Use a reusable water bottle!

When hydrating this summer, we encourage you to purchase or use a reusable water bottle. Plastic water bottles take up to 450 years to decompose if not recycled properly. By using a reusable water bottle, you are reducing your plastic waste! If you use any plastic or paper items, recycle them correctly.

Check your sunscreen!

Swap out your sunscreen for a chemical-free and reef-safe option. Not only is chemical-free and reef-safe sunscreen healthier for your skin, but it is healthier for our coral reefs. More than 14,000 tons of sunscreen products reach our reefs each year, resulting in them becoming damaged. Choose a mineral-based sunscreen to help save our coral reefs!

Shop locally or start your garden!

Shopping at a local farmers' market is a sustainable option that allows you to support small businesses. The food you consume has not traveled as far, reducing your carbon footprint. In addition to shopping at farmers' markets this summer, you could start your garden. Growing a garden prevents access to waste in landfills, and it also makes for a great hobby!

Travel sustainably!

Biking or walking to work is another excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint. It is also a great day to enjoy the beautiful summer weather.