MAP Policy
Minimum Advertised Price Policy
Effective June 1st, 2023, a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) on all The Bear Factory products will be in effect. International accounts must reflect pricing as translated into their local currency. The Bear Factory® has spent an extensive amount of time building a brand of strong recognition and high perceived value.
To be an eligible reseller of our product line the MAP Policy must be accepted and signed. Please review the full MAP Policy in its entirety and complete the acceptance form below.
Our Every Child Commitment
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to experience the joy of a stuff a plush experience. It is with this in mind that we are presenting the Every Child Commitment. Supporting all families and communities is something we strongly believe in. We also recognize that not all communities have the same financial opportunities as others. This commitment will provide exemptions from the MAP for schools, religious organizations, non profits, and charitable fundraising events.
If your organization operates as one of these entities then you are eligible for an exemption. If your business operates in an area with financial hardship or you have a unique circumstance then we encourage you to apply for an exemption. Should you have questions regarding our Every Child Commitment and how you may benefit from this, please contact us directly.